How To Earn Respect From Others

How To Earn Respect From People
hello gentlemen,in this age where social media,procrastination,heartbreaks,depression etc reigns over the lives of a huge chunk of the population,has made there real life social skills do weak that they find it hard to earn respect from others.
today I want to discuss about how to earn respect.
1)Respect yourself
Let me tell you if a person does not have any self respect,someone who can throw away there self respect very easily for small unimportant mundane things then he can never earn respect. if you want others to respect you then first you have to learn to respect your self, having self respect is one of the greatest treasure in life , in my opinion.
2)Always presnt your best version to others
You should always look sharp, have good posture and body language, killer grooming and nice shoes. Presenting the best appearance of yours is one of the foundation of your personality.
3)Be the best in your field of work
No matter what you do,always be the best in that field, if you are a painter, physicist, doctor, lawyer, electrician it doesn't matter just be the best in that field.
4)Have your own life and passion
Don't be that guy who is always online on facebook,posting a new photo in instagram every hour.Belive me this will ruin your image among your peers, they will think you don't do anything and useless,and this doesn't bring respect.So have a life make hobbies that you are passionate about.stop using your social media platforms for just 1 one month you will see the results.
5)Be a good listener and always think before you talk
Listen to someone if you are in a conversation.Let me tell you everybody respects and loves someone who listen to their words,they may be sharing a secret with you and you haven't listened anything is very disrespectful to their feeling ,so listen. And always think before you talk, you know they say you can't take back your words,a single use of profanity or a slang can kill the respect for you in their mind even if you are the nicest guy on earth.
6)Always respect others
You should never expect others to respect you when you aren't showing respect to them.Respect is a equal trade you give it,you get it back. Always talk to others with respect no matter who they are.
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